Friday, November 10, 2023

Residents for the Green Belt in the UK: Object to the Wentworth Club Development - "The New Academy Building - Including the Felling of Trees and the Infill of a Section of One of the Ponds"

"The Existing Building" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

Update February 2, 2024

Dear Wentworth Estate Residents,

Dear Neighbours,

RE: OBJECTION - Runnymede Application RU.23/1213 - Wentworth Club Development: The New Academy Building - Including the Felling of Trees and the Infill of a Section of One of the Ponds. (There is NO Existing Building)

"Trees to Be Removed" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

Do you know about the most recent planned development at the Wentworth Estate? No due process was organised to consult about this immensely significant development for the Wentworth Estate with all Wentworth Estate Residents. Whether you agree with this development or not, we should be consulted on such a major change to the character of the Estate.

"Trees to Be Removed" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

Please review maps and pictures - all these mature trees next to the Executive Golf Course will be cut, according to this application. 

"Trees to Be Removed" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

Who has approved it on behalf of the residents of 

the Wentworth Estate?

"Trees to Be Removed" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

Thousands of trees have been cut at the Wentworth Estate, and bulldozers are now coming for the famous protected fish ponds. What will be next? Multi-residence developments or a Hotel? Redevelopment of the Executive Golf Course?

"The Infill of a Section of One of the Ponds" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

Please find the links to the Ecological Impact Assessment:

And the Runnymede Application:

"Trees to Be Removed" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

We urge you to object to this application today to protect and preserve the historical character and nature of 

Our Wentworth Estate.

All OBJECTIONS can still be sent before the decision is made which can be made any day now.

You can use the ideas from the OBJECTION for the Application RU.23/1213 below, add your address  and send it to:

Please send copies of your objections to WERC and WRA.

Update February 2, 2024

All OBJECTIONS can be made now to Wentworth Estate Road CMTE

Please send your Objections to WERC: - Copy to Wentworth Residents Association.

"The Existing Building" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

There is no "Existing Building" - there is only a temporary storage for sand.

"The Existing Building" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

Act today! 
Submit your Objection to Runnymede.

Thank you.

"The Infill of a Section of One of the Ponds" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

Wentworth Golf Club, Virginia Water

Ecological Impact Assessment

Executive Summary

"Ecological Planning & Research Ltd (EPR) was commissioned by Wentworth Club Ltd to carry out an ecological appraisal in relation to proposals to construct a golf academy building and the creation of a short game area adjacent to the existing 9-hole short course, as set out on the Proposed Site Plan. The proposals will include the removal of trees and the existing sand storage building, clearance of habitats, including the felling of trees and the infill of a section of one of the ponds.

The proposals for the new academy building and short game area are located close to the existing executive course (hole 1 to the west) and the driving range (to the north) close to the centre of the area owned and managed by Wentworth Club. The Site is entirely within the Fish Ponds Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI), designated for its nature conservation interest. A patchwork of habitats are present within the SNCI including the two large ponds, acid grassland, deciduous woodland, in addition to intensively managed modified grassland. The EcIA identifies direct impacts on habitats within the SNCI and includes measures for impact avoidance, compensation and enhancements for biodiversity."

"The Existing Building" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

Update February 2, 2024

OBJECTION - Runnymede Application RU.23/1213 - Wentworth Club Development: The New Academy Building - Including the Felling of Trees and the Infill of a Section of One of the Ponds. 
(There is NO Existing Building)

"Dear Wentworth Estate Road CMTE,

Please register my strongest objection possible to the Runnymede Application RU.23/1213 - Wentworth Club Development: The New Academy Building - Including the Felling of Trees and the Infill of a Section of One of the Ponds. 

There is NO "Existing Building" - pictures of the temporary sand storage are attached.

Thousands of trees have been cut at the Wentworth Estate, and bulldozers are now coming for the famous protected fish ponds. What will be next? Multi-residence developments or a Hotel?

We are residents of the Wentworth Estate and STRONGLY OBJECTING to this proposed development on the following grounds:

There is NO "Existing Building" in this protected area of the Green Belt = pictures of the temporary sand storage are attached.

- We object to the proposed building on the grounds that it is not compatible with the Green Belt regulations.

The Wentworth Club application states that an existing building will be demolished and replaced by the new golf facility. However, the "existing building" is merely an open shed to protect sand and other materials from the weather. The proposed new golf facility is significantly larger than the "shed" and much nearer to the rear boundaries of properties in Portnall Rise.


- We will suffer from the increased traffic in our area, including servicing vehicles and the resulting pollution. 

- Our Wentworth Estate Roads and local roads in the area are not suitable for this new business-related traffic, they will be used more frequently after this building is constructed.

- We will be badly affected by the dramatically increased noise pollution from the new Wentworth Gold Academy building.

- This area of the Green Belt is protected from any new buildings to be developed.

- Numerous mature trees will be cut.

- The protected fish pond will be infilled.

- "The main development site is situated within a Local Wildlife Site known as Wentworth Golf Courses – Fish Ponds Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SNCI)". 

- "The Site is also situated within a Biodiversity Opportunity Area (BOA)".

- "The proposed development will result in the direct loss of SNCI habitats and Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland S41".

- "The potential to result in a significant negative effect on the bat assemblage likely to be present within the ZoI."

"The Infill of a Section of One of the Ponds" in the Wentworth Club Application RU.23/1213

Residents For The Green Belt In UK: Object To The Wentworth Club Hotel Development Today!



Residents For The Green Belt In UK: Object To The Wentworth Club Hotel Development Today!





The present owners of Wentworth Golf Club have submitted a planning application RU.14/0869 for the erection of a Hotel to provide 56 additional guestrooms, four conference rooms, roof garden, together with associated plant? It is displayed on the Runnymede Planning website under the planning application in a document named; ”Statement of Community Involvement”.  In it the Club claims that they have informed and discussed this Hotel development with the residents before submitting their application. This is clearly not the case as the residents report they have not been informed. The Club has been very remiss as the construction of this hotel will hugely impact on us. Whether you agree with a hotel development or not, we should be consulted on such a major change to the character of the Estate.  We understand, and the Club has failed to deny that they have marketed to potential new owners that they could build the Hotel and possibly redevelop the current Executive Course with housing, further increasing the density of houses on the Estate and change the character of the Estate forever.


Previous owners of Wentworth Club have attempted further development on this green belt land and have historically been blocked by the residents. The current Wentworth Residents Association (WRA) have failed in their duty to inform and seek the views of the residents. Mr. Julian Small, the CEO of the Club, is on the committee of the WRA and if he or the committee had any regard for the residents, the perfect forum of communication is through the WRA. Currently we have no voice in what happens to our Estate. We feel strongly that we have been badly let down and have been by both the WRA and the WREC and we are being ignored by the Club. We must have a say in what happens on our Estate and we would ask you to join the WRA and vote to ensure you are properly represented. 

We urge you to object to this application today and force the Club to withdraw the application and begin consultations with the residents as they should have done in the first instance.

Please visit for information and templates for your objection. Comments can be submitted up until the review starts.  

Send your objection to: with CC to Cllr Geoffrey Woodger


Note that only after a Petition was signed by many residents requesting an Emergency Special General Meeting did the WRA today schedule a meeting to take place on Thursday 14 August at 7 PM at the Wentworth Club.   Please attend this meeting and if you cannot attend then please consider signing the enclosed proxy allowing someone  of your choice to vote for you at the meeting.

Act today! Submit your Objection to Runnymede.  Attend the Emergency Special Meeting of  the WRA.  Become a voting member of the WRA by paying £25. For further information please email fellow resident Mr Kirill Klip and with your consent, he will blind copy you on emails for future communication.

Residents for the Green Belt in the UK: Object to the Wentworth Club Development - "The New Academy Building - Including the Felling of Trees and the Infill of a Section of One of the Ponds"

"The Existing Building" in the Wentworth Club Application  RU.23/1213 Update February 2, 2024 Dear Wentworth Estate Residents, Dea...